FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner
FNP stands for Family Nurse Practitioner
Here you will find, what does FNP stand for in Medical.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Family Nurse Practitioner? Family Nurse Practitioner can be abbreviated as FNP What does FNP stand for? FNP stands for Family Nurse Practitioner. What does Family Nurse Practitioner mean?Family Nurse Practitioner is an expansion of FNP
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Alternative definitions of FNP
- flunitrazepam
- Field Notes Productions
- front-end network processor
- fusion point
- The Forks North Portage
- Flatbread Neapolitan Pizzeria
- First National Papakura
- For a Number of Publications
View 17 other definitions of FNP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FOB father of baby
- FPC food package code
- FPS family planning services
- FS food stamps
- FT full term
- FTA fluorescent treponema antigen
- FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
- FTP failure to progress
- FTT failure to thrive
- F/U follow-up
- FUO fever of unknown origin
- F/V fruits and vegetables
- F feature
- FI full interpretation
- FL language faculty
- FLB Faculty of Language - Broad Sense
- FLN Faculty of Language - Narrow Sense
- FOC focus
- FOFC Final-over-Final Constraint
- FP F Parameter